A man that goes by three letters can't be as complex as one would think. With his infectious style and melodic songs, B.o.B is quickly becoming the face of a new generation of southern artists. Enter a Southern Legend in the Making...B.o.B.
illRoots.com: What’s happening big homie
BOB: What it is.
illRoots.com: It's good to finally meet the infamous B.o.B.
BOB: [Laughs]
illRoots.com: Who is B.O.B?
BOB: B.O.B. is many people. I don’t consider myself as one person, I feel like there is a lot of different characters that come out of here at different times. Like when I’m on stage I turn into one BOB, when I’m in the studio I’m a different BOB, its just a different BOB at different times.
Check Out B.o.B's Brand New Mixtape: LRG presents Hi! My Name Is B.o.B Mixtape (Mixed by Mick Boogie + Terry Urban)

illRoots.com: Where do you Represent?
BOB: Eastside Atlanta, Decatur, Georgia.
illRoots.com: Where are you right now as an artist personally?
BOB: I feel like I’m at a point where I’m really trying to grow and just spread the word and the hype about me, myself, and my music.
illRoots.com: Who can you contribute a lot of your success to?
BOB: A lot of my success goes to first off God, I have to say that.
illRoots.com: Okay that’s a pretty generic answer.
BOB: [Laughs] Yeah, and just all the mentors in my life from B Rich to Playboy, Trae to DJ Smallz, Bigga Rankin, Georgia Dirt, Greg Street, TJ’s DJ’s, and Jim Jonsin (Rebel Rock). A lot of those people were real vital in my career and the steps that I took to get where I am right now.
illRoots.com: Biggest Music Influences?
BOB: Outkast, Nas, Eminem, and it just continues but those are just some of the first one and I’m still influenced by the ones I hear today.
illRoots.com: If you were President of any Nation which one and why?
BOB: President of any Nation? I wouldn’t want to be the President of any Nation. I would want to start my own country. PlanetBobrundatshit.
illRoots.com: Planet Bob.
BOB: Yeah, and RunDatShit.
illRoots.com: And Rundatshit. As one whole word. PlanetBobRunDatShit. So if I look it up it would be like that.
BOB: PLANETBOBRUNDATSHIT….HAHAHA. I’m on PlanetBobRunDatShit, no fuck n***as aloud.
illRoots.com: [Laughs]. Okay music wise, who is the most underrated producer that you know?
BOB: Oh man, wow this ones going to be hard. I’m over hear thinking. I don’t got no fast rap answer I can throw out. I got to think about this shit. I mean it’ll have to be my homeboy Ribah.
illRoots.com: When can the general public expect an album to drop?
BOB: On the week of 4/20.
illRoots.com: Oh my god.
BOB: Yep, because that week starts out a big smoking week. So I’m a smoker, and I must give the smokers a treat. The album is definitely an album you can burn, just light up too and ride through the whole thing.
illRoots.com: Production and Features?
BOB: Well me, I’m doing most of the production and Jim Jonsin and maybe one other producer. Ribah is definitely on it as well as G- Fresh.
illRoots.com: So you produced the majority and wrote it entirely.
BOB: Yea well in some sessions me and Jim Jonsin bounced ideas off each other. But most songs I produced and arranged in B Rich’s basement. Its crazy because its just some things I can articulate I just gotta do that shit.
illRoots.com: At the end of the day you get it done. BOB is extremely talented go check out more BOB at www.myspace.com/bobatl