Whats going on guys! So, the wonderful people at Yatta Mayjour started a new web-series, entitled, “TheSessions”. This series will capture Chris Faust and Ibe’s(Producer as well as many other things) journey towards the completion of, “The Project”. This web-series, broken up into many webisodes, will feature many guest appearances and focuses, primarily on studio life from an independent lens. The show spotlights real conversations of different sorts, ranging from refreshingly intellectual to very trivial; which is captured all for entertainment purposes. The Show is set in many different places from the studio to the water fountains of the Intrepid. Chris Faust and Ibe will take they’re audience on a roller coaster ride, recording how “TheProject”, takes shape as well as grows into a coherent piece of art. Here is Part 3 of the series featuring, Sunny Jones, Muriel Jenkins, C.J. Browne, and Jason Rice. Check it out and stay tuned in