Nina B x illRoots x Hip Hop Nation


Nina B - In My Own Lane

New Nina B!
Off of The Real Rap Supreme mixtape, coming way sooner then you think.
Only at illRoots. Huge up's to Brian!
Press release after the jump.
The Carnegie Group is pleased to announce that Ravenel Records and Sirius Radio's Hip Hop Nation have teamed up for a joint venture to release Nina B: "The Real Rap Supreme" mix-tape. "The Real Rap Supreme" which drops tomorrow, Friday the 13th boasts 13 tracks and is formatted like a live interview. The mix-tape touches on a variety of topics that allows the music world, fans, supporters, and yes even haters to get up close and personal with the bostress, Nina B. "The Real Rap Supreme" gives listeners an in dept look at who Nina B really is. It touches on the controversial subject of the reality show Miss Rap Supreme and why Nina opted out of being a contestant on the show. The mix-tape also includes an interview that Nina did with Sgt. Reggie Hawkins from Hip Hop Nation's after hours show. "The Real Rap Supreme" will be available Friday, June 13 for FREE download at reintroduces us to a female lyricist who hands down is a Real Rap Supreme (congrats to Reese Steele) With undeniable talent, dedication, a serious grind, and Ravenel Records behind her, there's no stopping Nina B; hip-hop's new leading lady!!

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