GORILLA DROPPIN'S: The Chronicles of Samuel Storm

Okay, yes that says "Gorilla Droppin's" and yes that is Sam's real name. Yet for those who have tried to make a successful attempt at a clothing line, Chaunce Clothing is slowly exceeding them. Chaunce Clothing from Grand Rapids is runned by a very good friend of mine Samuel Storm and in an effort to try to shed some light on the struggles and accomplishments that are recieved during the start up off a clothing company I decided why not let Sam tell his story to the world. So every Friday evening as you are setting yourself up for another weekend remember to stop by here and check out "The Chronicles of Samuel Storm" as he takes us week by weekWhat's up ya'll? This is Samuel Storm from Chaunce Clothing.
I am part owner of the company along with my business partners Morgan and John. We set off on this streetwear extravaganza about 3 years back not having a damn clue how much work was involved in this industry. The three of us are all grinders and hard headed as hell so we knew we could shoulder the load. After many bumps in the road, several near catastrophes and heaps of time and effort, we made the shit work.
The first year we spent the entire time digging in the books and websites trying to gain as much knowledge as possible. Once our heads were nice and swollen the adventures began. Fast forward 2 years and we have dropped 3 seasons and are currently working on the 4th and 5th installments. Our family tree is continually growing. Each week it seems like a new branch has blossomed.
From Michigan to Philly to Delaware to ATL to Chi City to NY to LA to London, Chaunce has stretched out our arms and embraced the opportunity that has presented itself. We are living out our dreams and working extremely hard to bring our whole fam to the pinnacle of greatness. Come get on board cuz the ship aint goin nowhere but up!
Each week with Hallways blessing, I will be chronicling my experiences as a figure head of a bubbling streetwear company. I am confident with your help and support, Chaunce Clothing will be one of the premiere lines of the future. Hit up the website and leave us a comment on our blog!
Until next time ya'll..........
peace and chicken grease!
Look At This: