A week or two ago the homie Tai Saint-Louis hit me and asked me if I wanted to holler at Bobby Creekwater. I figured, shit why not, I fugg with dude. Then she told me he wanted to tell the world that he was leaving Shady/Aftermath and that I'd be the first to have it. Cool stuff. So I stopped by his new studio downtown to get the skinny.Shouts to Maurice Garland.
But like I said, this was a week or two ago, the day before he took the stage at Lenny's to headline the Leaders of the New Cool show. Since then, my life and time had been in a whirlwind and never got the time to sit and edit this video. But here it is, finally. If you've already heard the news, good for you. If you assumed that Bobby had already left anyway, hey, smart guy you are. But if you had no idea of what was going on, hope you enjoy this video.
Shouts out to Bobby, Sol Messiah and the whole team. I hear they are killing their show dates in Japan right now.
Bobby Creekwater Leaves Shady Records