When Creek 1st played this track for me i heard the beat and thought "Oh Boy, Here Goes Exhibit XYZ", but after the 5th bar i was truly impressed. I liked how he jumped from topic to topic but kept it all on the same path, while delivering some the best lyrics i've heard over this Beat.
The way i interpreted "Exhibit B.C." was that it was based off of Creekwaters' conscious impulses. All the topics that Creek touched on were things that left a lasting impression on him. Automatically i thought about growing up and a kid and the amount of things that left an impression on me, from music, my family, cartoons, violence, pornography. Our brains are forced to absorb so much (content) that weather we know it or not, these messages help shape us and influence our day to day activities, interaction, and decision making. Then i thought about my little cousins, if i was born in the 80's and i think i was exposed to alot, then these kids now-a-days are getting an overload. Good, Bad or Ugly change is inevitable we just have to understand it but be mindful of our past. "Exhibit BC"
Bobby Creekwater - Exhibit BC (Directed By Visual Vinyl)
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